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"The Art of Entertaining at Home"20$

Whether you are a seasoned host seeking to finesse your abilities or embarking on your journey into the world of entertaining, The Art of Entertaining at Home is your essential starting point for crafting unforgettable gatherings within the comforts of your own home. From selecting perfect gifts and creating a visually stunning table, to mastering the fine art of captivating dinner conversations, this book guarantees that your next event will be an extraordinary experience. Prepare to uncover the essential elements to becoming a truly courteous host and a graceful guest. Elevate your hosting skills and transform every gathering into a memorable and delightful experience. Use this book as your trusted companion on your journey to hosting with finesse and entertaining with charm.

"Afternoon Tea Etiquette"15$

What could be a better way to spend an afternoon than with a cup of freshly brewed English Breakfast tea in a beautiful porcelain cup, served along athree-tiered rack of afternoon tea sandwiches, scones and desserts? Britain is famous for its afternoon tea tradition. But have you ever wondered about the origin of this custom, how to take afternoon tea and what to wear to such a fine occasion?

“Etiquette: the least you need to know”20$

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression” Have you ever heard this saying? Before we get a chance to say a word, our gestures and manners have already spoken for us. Though some of the rules of good manners change, others remain contact. This book is about contacts: the least you need to know to make a good first impression. As Clarence Thomas once said “ Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot” Use this book as a master key to open those doors.