Azerbaijan is a country with a rich culture and history, and one of the most important aspects of that culture is its tea culture. The traditional Azerbaijani tea ceremony, known as "çay seremoniyası," is a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and respect. It is an important part of daily life and social gatherings in Azerbaijan, and is a must-try experience for anyone visiting the country.
In this article, we'll take a closer look at the elements that make up the traditional Azerbaijani tea ceremony, from the setting to the preparation and serving of the tea, and the accompaniments that are served with it. So, if you're interested in learning more about Azerbaijani tea culture, read on!
The Setting: The Chaykhana
The Azerbaijani tea ceremony is typically held in a special room or area of the house called a "chaykhana." The chaykhana is a place where friends and family gather to share stories, discuss current events, and enjoy each other's company. It is a room designed for relaxation and socialising, often decorated with traditional Azerbaijani carpets, cushions, and low tables.
The Preparation: Samovars and Armudu
The tea is typically black tea, brewed in a samovar, a traditional metal container used for heating and brewing tea. The samovar is usually placed in the centre of the table, and the tea is served in small, handleless cups called "armudu." The armudu cups are often decorated with traditional Azerbaijani patterns and designs.
Before the tea is served, the host may offer a small sweet snack, such as baklava or shekerbura, to their guests. This is a sign of hospitality and a way to show respect to the guests. Once the tea is ready, the host pours a small amount into each cup, and then fills the cup with hot water from the samovar. This process is repeated until the desired strength of the tea is achieved.
The Accompaniments: Traditional Sweets and Snacks
The tea is served with a variety of sweet and savoury items, including traditional Azerbaijani sweets such as pakhlava, shekerbura, and badambura. Savoury snacks such as nuts and dried fruits are also often served. These items are arranged on a tray or platter and placed on the table for guests to enjoy.
The Art of Drinking Tea: Holding the Armudu
During the tea ceremony, guests are encouraged to hold the cup with two hands as a sign of respect and appreciation. The host usually starts the conversation, and guests are free to share their thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics, from politics and culture to family and personal matters. The tea ceremony is not just about drinking tea; it is also a way to connect with others and build relationships.
The Essentials: Samovars, Armudu, and Chaykhana
In addition to the tea ceremony, there are a few other items that are commonly associated with Azerbaijani tea culture. These include:
1. Samovar - The samovar is a traditional metal container used for heating and brewing tea. It is an essential part of the Azerbaijani tea ceremony, and is often passed down from generation to generation.
2. Armudu - Armudu is a small, handleless cup used for serving tea during the ceremony. The cups are often decorated with traditional Azerbaijani patterns and designs.
3. Chaykhana - The chaykhana is a special room or area of the house designed for relaxation and socialising. It is an important part of Azerbaijani tea culture and is often decorated with traditional Azerbaijani carpets, cushions, and low tables.
The Azerbaijani tea ceremony is a unique and important part of Azerbaijani culture. It is a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and respect, and is a must-try experience for anyone visiting the country. The tea ceremony is not just about drinking tea; it is also a way to connect with others and build relationships. So, next time you're in Azerbaijan, make sure to experience the traditional tea ceremony and enjoy the rich culture and hospitality of this beautiful country. Check out my video to see live videos of typical Azerbaijan Tea Ceremony and the various items discussed in this article.